Meet in Vienna at Digital Health Days

13-14th March |

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Better care for your female employees


We know that you care for your employees. That’s why you want them to get better care.

Integrate our AI solution into your employee benefits program today.

Our AI enhances breast cancer diagnostics and treatment planning.

AI prognoses reduce costs related to unnecessary treatment and poor outcomes.

Support your employees in their health journey.


Make a real change for women

Support your employees in their health journey by making our cutting-edge technology part of your employee benefits program.

Risk mitigation

thanks to improved employee well-being

Our 2-years prognosis offers peace of mind between screenings.

Cost control 

through reducing biopsy costs by at least 10 %

We offer an alternative to biopsies and detect poor outcomes.

Talent attraction 

by supporting women and improving your brand image.

Everyone knows somebody impacted by breast cancer.


Three steps to improve your employee well-being

We offer simple access to our AI platform online.

Contact us now
  • Enroll in our program

    Begin by enrolling your company in our AI-powered breast cancer prevention program. Sign up for our service and integrate it with your employee healthcare or wellness program

  • Give your employees access

    Once enrolled, employees can easily access the AI platform via a secure portal. The platform lists nearby partnering clinics. Clinics also inform your employees of their access to AI support during visits at the clinic.

  • Support better care

    Our AI helps healthcare teams and their patients to continuously monitor breast health. They will be able to adjust care as needed, ensuring the best possible health outcome.

Join the fight against breast cancer.

Together, we can make sure that women receive the best care possible. Subscribe to our updates and be the first to know when and where ai:leen is available.
